Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why I Don't Think About a Second Baby

Maggie was AWFUL last night! She wouldn't take a nap all day yesterday and was bleary eyed for the last 3-4 hours before bedtime. Patrick and I were both so tired that we didn't hear when she woke up at around 1am and it wasn't until she had worked up a froth that I was able to get to her with a bottle. By then she was standing up in her crib and freaking out. I put her back down, arranged her blanket and fed her but because she was SO worked up she didn't do her usual routine of finishing her bottle and going directly back to sleep. She cried and complained for me to hold her. The only thing that calmed her and made her go back to sleep was being held and rocked but every time I tried to transfer her back into her crib she'd wake up and cry. I was up for 2 hours!! I'm so tired.
I also put her down for a nap about 45 minutes ago and she spent a good 30 minutes standing up and chatting with her animals and the rocking chair as if someone is in it. I just checked on her and she's asleep...but from her position I can tell she fought sleep (she was obviously sitting up and just slumped forward).

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