Monday, January 14, 2008

Weekend Review: Recovery

I was so tired Friday morning due to Maggie's sleepless nights. It's hard for a babe to sleep while congested--they do no like it! We had an Itty Bitty group event and I dragged my tired self to it and LOVED it! Came home energized. Can you spot Maggie in the masses of kids and parents? She is there.

We had to take a break for pretzels half way through.

We spent a little time with our neighbor Leah.

That afternoon we had the missionaries over to "practice" their discussions on us. This is their way of trying to covertly try to convert my husband. He's awesome about it all.

That night I took a hot bath and we watched Thank You For Smoking then went to bed early. Didn't love the movie, by the way.

Saturday morning I did a pretty basic kick boxing exercise video and was sore the rest of the weekend. This is just a little hint at how totally out of shape I've let myself get.

Maggie spent the morning on the couch with a few of her favorite toys.

Later than day we packed Maggie in many layers into the jogging stroller and took a short stroll over to the local park. She squealed her head off on the swings (it had been a while since she'd been on them being winter and all), practically jumped down the slides, pointed out all birds and said "peep" over and over. I finally got cold enough to force her back into the stroller for the ride home. She could have stayed all day.

Maggie was still a snot factory on Sunday morning and although she really loves nursery I figured I'd spare the other mommies by not spreading her germs. We stayed home and vegged all day. She was prepared to go in her dress and everything...


Emily S. said...

Sounds like a pretty low-key weekend. Those can be so nice sometimes! The days seem to last longer...I am so sorry that Maggie is still sick. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a rowdy weekend for two sick girls. Glad you got out of the house. Madge looks very sweet in her little Sabbath Day outfit.

Anonymous said...

Her hair is getting so long!