Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Round 2....or is it 3, 4?

This family got sick on new years. Um, its the 22nd!!! Why are we still sick? Maggie was fine on Sunday after a couple of bad weeks...but by that night we melted down, again. Ok, ok, Patrick is fine after a few days with a minor cold. Apparently he's bullet proof but Maggie and I have been struggling. It's nice that all I have to do today is sit at home.

Luckily Maggie, unlike myself, hasn't lost her spirit.


ZDub said...

I hate this time of year. Wait until she is in school...every cootie imaginable comes home! Feel better!

Ashby said...

Ugh, I'm so sorry you are still sick! Winter is the pits! That's when I start hitting the Airborne daily! I hope you a!l start feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I love her little tummy in her undershirt. So sorry you are sick.

Karla said...

The first picture you posted of her needs to be blown up. SO ADORABLE!

Hope you get better soon!