I don't know why it takes me so long to get Maggie out of her pj's every morning. But since the weather has turned, we've been putting her in some very soft, sweet little footie's. Don't ya just LOVE footie's??

I did finally manage her out of the pj's so we could meet Julie and Luke for a play date. So much fun!

Maggie zeroed in on the swing and spent most of the time in it. Julie was really great about letting her play in it. She even helped Maggie load up on stuffed animals too!

Here's Luke showing off his walking abilities.

And here he is asking Maggie to please get OUT of his swing and play.
Play dates are so much fun for the kids. Natalie and her cousin Lucas play at least 3 x week when we go out for our morning jog...they have so much fun together! I just wish Natalie and Maggie were having some play dates, too!!!!
Tell Maggie she is too big for the swing. I think Luke knows already.
What a good sport he is to let her play in his swing.
And I have to agree....I love those cozy footies for kids. Too bad they would be such a pain for adults, because on cold nights I think I'd wear them too!
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