Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So Sweet....this girl has a plan

We started the day SO sweet. Happily Maggie played with her puzzles.

But as the day wore on I think she was developing a plan.

Here's the result. She is so proud of her artwork she even points out the pen marks all over her hand.

In case your computer screen does not do these pictures justice, let me explain: Maggie got a hold of a pen and colored ALL over the couch, a couple of pillows, and herself. Almost daily I'm grateful we chose the cheap couch. Looks like I'll be spending a good hour scrubbing the marks out.


Karla said...

Oh no! Ink is so hard to remove. Good thing the couch is dark so it's not too obvious! Natalie is now drawing with pens, too. I can't wait to see where it ends up. I try to get her to use her washable crayons, but she just wants to eat them...

Anonymous said...

The sneaky girl with a plan is still an angel in my eyes. She sure does have a shifty grin, though. Maybe you should send her to us. We'll straighten her out, go around the block several times, and send her back - a changed toddler - reformed.

Emily S. said...

Oh - that is so sad but so funny! I am glad you took pictures. Go with the "cheap" while the kids are young - the house will really take a beating!