Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Few Blurry Days

The days after Brian's passing are blurry.
I know we let the kids play in the snow (separate post to come soon).
I know we spent time going through photo albums and talking, laughing, sharing memories. This was really good for all of us.
Here's Randy looking through some pics of Brian.

Maggie grabbed a snack. I'm pretty sure she's the one that moved her portable chair into the corner of Julie's dining room.
At the funeral. All the pall bearers.
Patrick pointed out later that all those who carried his casket had experience carrying Brian before his passing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. I love what Patrick said, about those that carried Brian. Does it not seem like a privilege now? Randy is so happy looking at Brian photos and talking about him. The chair in the corner....I put it there, to contain Madge. Did I say we miss you?.....cuz we do. We miss you a whole lot. We miss Madge repeating our names over and over again. We miss Patrick drinking coffee from the tiny Peter Rabbit mug. We miss being reminded to walk quietly.