Thursday, January 29, 2009

Insane Nice Weather

We've had the most insane nice, warm weather this last week. It's over now but, wow, did I enjoy it! So did Mags. We actually spent several afternoons in the backyard. We also got several walks around town in the stroller. I wish it could always be like that.

To get anything done (planning, to do lists, calendaring, etc.) I fixed myself some hot tea and filled up a bowl of water for Maggie to play with her little plastic fish. What a silly idea. She made a mess. But...I got myself a little bit organized. Worth it.


she&him said...

it's still snowy here. no one likes snow yet here we are in utah, the best snow ever. question: are you going to change the name of your blog when baby comes?

Diana Beck McCarty said...

Oh, I dunno. I can't decide if I'll change the name of the blog or not...I probably should.

Anonymous said...

It has been nice, strange weather around here today. The sun does cheer me. Love Maggie's sweater.

Karla said...

Yes, good weather is always energizing. I'm glad you were able to get in some good walks, too. Love the walks! It's awesome weather here - mostly in the high 60s and 70s. This is why I live here. I love it! Wish you would come visit me!!