Sunday, February 15, 2009

Things I Want Recorded

This post has been in the works for a very long time. Most of this stuff is not even new anymore.

Terrible Two's have struck. Everything (EVERYTHING) just has to be a big fat pain. Lots of "no!" and "I don't want to". Lots of bossy demands. Tears before each bath and then tears when its time to get out. She's learning to assert her opinion and will. She's been so darn easy up until now--I don't quite know how to handle this but we're getting through. Example: The other day we were just sitting around ever so peacefully. She took a big drink of water from her sippy cup and spit it all over my lap. What the ...

Discovery Days has a table--sometimes filled with water, sometimes with rice or beans or...whatever the kids can play with. One day it was filled with various dried beans. She found one of these beans:

and immediately picked it up saying, "Look Mommy, cow beans!".

I sliced up an apple and arranged it on a plate with some Nutella in the middle. After a while I looked over and noticed she was taking each slice, dipping it once, biting, then moving on to the next slice. One bite out of each, then starting over. She quickly ate through the Nutella, looked at me and said, "Oh, no! I'm out of mud!"

Little Addy Crapo gave Maggie the book Little Miss Tiny for Christmas. I read it to her upon opening the gift. She carried the book around all day saying, "little miss tiny sat on a tuffet".

We finally ventured on a date leaving a girl from our church with Maggie. We were quite surprised to find that Maggie actually had gone to sleep at bedtime and things looked to be just fine. After dropping off the babysitter I came home to Patrick with a very funny look on his face. He said, "you need to check on your daughter". As I was walking up to her room I hear Patrick say, "I'm sure Emily did everything right...". I walk in. Maggie is asleep with covers up around her neck but under the covers was a buck naked little girl. She had somehow managed to squirm out of her pj's AND her diaper before falling asleep. Oh, and she also managed to hide the diaper somewhere in the room. I searched for a good 10 minutes before finding it.

Walking into Target one very cold day Maggie said, "My eyes are cold".


Anonymous said...

"We love you and your Madge." from Mer.

"You're Madge-ic. Get it?" from Max.

We had a good, fun, family laugh at the Madge antics. Love, J.

Emily S. said...

Oh no! I just started the "terrible twos" four days ago with SJ. Don't remind me of what's ahead! What cute memories. Thanks for sharing.

Karla said...

There must be something in the air - Natalie has been "TERRIBLE" the last week, going on two. What you described Maggie doing, is EXACTLY what Natalie does. Everything is "Mine," and "I don't want to share with you," and "Don't ever talk to me like that!" Crazy, huh!