Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New Strange Behavior

Maggie seems to have developed some "issues" as of late. Since we've been sick so much I honestly can't pinpoint the exact time any of them developed but at this juncture I'm freaked out by all of it.
First, she's gone from using her binky only at nap time and bed time to needing it at all times. She hardly wants to eat because that means the binky has to be removed. She whines in the most pathetic way for it (if for some reason its not already in her possession) and throws a crying fit if we say no.

Second, she needs constant attention. And by constant I truly mean CONSTANT! I used to have a very independent little toddler who rarely wanted to be held, loved independent play, and basically entertained herself the majority of the time. Occasionally she'd ask for a book to be read to her or something small but I would usually have to engage her rather than her begging for it. She just clings to my leg, Patrick's leg and bawls, saying "up, up, up". It's so pathetic it breaks my heart yet I simply cannot hold her all the time. She even cried when I left her at daycare yesterday. I couldn't even enjoy my free time.

Third, she doesn't eat. Not even her favorites. She is already way too thin so choosing not to eat scares me. I've tried it all. I'd give her anything at this point. She takes a few bites and says "all done". I can't convince her to take even one more bite. Just a few short weeks ago she was an awesome eater--fruits, veges, whole grains, etc. She rocked it all and now?? What happened?

My concern is that each change is just so polar opposite of her normal behavior I'm terribly confused and don't know if this is just a phase or what. Or....am I just being a freaked-out first time mom and she'll get over it as easily as it came? Is this just leftover illness?

Since my complaints don't come with lovely pictures, I'll just include this random shot. I put the chair there in order to use it for sit ups. Maggie promptly crawled up on top and shoved my legs off.


Unknown said...

I wish I had some suggestions or encouragement for you...but I'm new at this too. Natalie has been acting that same way lately but I KNOW it's because she's sick. Maybe Maggie just got used to getting so much attention that she doesn't want to give it up now! Are you guys getting any better?

Nikki said...

Hey! When my kids have gone through phases like this after being sick it usually means that they have an ear infection. How is she sleeping? That's another sign for us - they go from sleeping well at night and napping well to waking up in the middle of the night or taking really short naps. Yes, she could be just going through a phase, but I'd recommend a quick trip to the doctor just for peace of mind :)

Diana Beck McCarty said...

She's never had an ear infection so of course that hadn't occured to me. Maybe I should just check it out for that elusive peace of mind :-)

Anonymous said...

Call Wes & Em for developmental advice. Sounds like strange toddlerhood.

ZDub said...

It could be her just not feeling well. It could also be that she is reacting to preschool and the separation from you and Daddy. Give it a week or two and see how she does.