Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm Stuck!

We had the missionaries over on Friday. They had a DVD to show us so we set up in the room with all of Maggie's toys. It was a beautiful video about Christ and we were both trying to pay attention but Maggie had hopped on her tricycle and found herself facing a barrier--the couch and her dad blocking her path. She bumped into her dad's leg and yelled, "I'm stuck!". Even the missionaries couldn't stop laughing. By the way, her dad taught her to say I'm stuck.

Later she did the same thing when getting caught in a corner of the kitchen but she wasn't actually stuck. She kept saying, "I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck" as she carefully backed herself out.

Ok, I guess this time I'll explain the outfit. Maggie has taken to dressing up with whatever she can get her hands on. This time she found a swimsuit bottom and decided to wear it as a hat. She's peering through a leg hole.


Emily S. said...

I loved all your recent posts! Cute litte Maggie. She is a clever one! I am soooo sorry you are all sick again. What's up with that? So unfair. Hang in there - spring will be here soon.

Karla said...

Her hat is so CUTE! Natalie has just started the stage of wanting to dress herself. I can't wait to see what she'll start putting on her head! :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck in some swim suit bottoms, unable to move my chin. Forget the bike in a corner.