Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Think I'm a Vegetarian....Again

Did anyone else watch Friday's 20/20 show? Well, I did. I wish I hadn't. They had a segment on that fabulous new exhibit showing actual human bodies (in various stages of dissection) that have been "plasticized".

I had been craving a burger all day and Patrick was fixing dinner while I watched the show. Half way through the segment I turned to him and said, "make one for yourself only, I've lost my appetite". I have not eaten meat since. For some reason I was so upset by seeing those bodies I have been completely turned off meat. For those of you who don't know, I was a vege for about 7 years but eventually went back to meat. I'll keep you posted on when/if I eat flesh again. Maybe its like giving birth--you forget over time??

There is a You Tube video of some of the exhibit but the embed feature is disabled. If you care to check it out, here is the link. BUT consider yourself warned. Although fascinating, it was totally disturbing at the same time.


ZDub said...

I have been veggie off and on for over ten years. Right now, I am eating all naturalchicken and fish. I feel better while I am nursing with animal protein. I had terrible food poisoning off a hamburger when I was 17 and have no taste for red meat. We don't eat fast food either. Go for it!

Karla said...

We actually had that exhibit here for a while. I never went. I had my fill in my Anatomy class working on 4 cadavers. But what really confirms my beliefs to never eat animals again is when I see news reports on all the "recalled" meat out there. In fact, if you go to the USDA's website, the top 10 recalls on food are almost always meat related items. Not to mention all the animal cruelty that takes place to keep the meat industry thriving - did you see the news report on that this past week? Sad, sad stuff and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Sorry. You opened a can of worms. I could go on an on! :)

Anonymous said...

Fascinating stuff. I loved working with cadavers in college! So, what turned you off to meat? Was it the display itself, or something they said specifically about meat? I can only handle small amounts. Otherwise I feel very sick.

Karla said...

Wow! I just got a chance to watch the youtube clip. Awesome. It totally took me back to anatomy class, but better! I always wanted to be a doctor of some sort. Brain, nerves and heart always interested me the most. I bet I would have liked the exhibit after all. However, what made it really cool was to hear the "guy" explain what you are seeing, and what he knew of diseases associated with it. Pretty cool! What tv show did you see it on, or was it just on youtube?

Anonymous said...

This was so awesome, i've watched this like 3 times. I want to go to Pittsburgh to see the actual exhibit.