Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things I Want Recorded

Maggie pulls my purse off the counter. When I ask her where she's going she says, "I go Terrific Twos all by myself".

Her favorite saying is "It's kinda like...". She says it about everything! "It's kinda like an orange" (when it is actually an orange).

She won't stay in the cart at Target anymore (other stores, yes. Target, no). She runs around like crazy and we drive everyone nuts I'm sure. I used to be so irritated by women who let their kids run wild in the store. Oh, what I've become! One recent trip to Target found us close to the bra section. Maggie picked up a huge bra on a hanger, held it up, and SHOUTED, "Mommy, I buy you new boobs!".

Maggie gives Patrick a doll and blankets for night-night, tells him to go to sleep, says good night to him and leaves the room (usually putting her finger to her lips and shushing me on the way out). When she gets to the other room she yells, "Cry for me Daddy!". He does, she rushes in and they start all over. Patrick is beyond patient with her and obliges over and over again.

She tried to put her huge Dora doll to sleep in a tote the other day and when she realized Dora was too big she settled for her sitting up saying, "Dora, sit your bum-bum down".


Anonymous said...

Max and I read this post together. We laughed out loud. Family time at computer corner. Madge is very entertaining.

Emily S. said...

Too cute!!! This is such a fun age.

Karla said...

Maggie and Natalie need to experience a Target shopping day together - we would probably be kicked out of the store!