Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dressing up. Nothing new here.

But Caroline plays "dress up" a bit different. She just wants to wear Maggie's Dora underwear. That's it. Almost every day.

And I just had to include a shot of those legs!

What the girls do while I clean. Was it worth it? I'm still debating.

Caroline has been refusing her naps for a good long time now. This makes for a very cranky girl most evenings. Or we walk out of the room for 2 seconds and come back to this:

Patrick and the girls watching Tangled:

And the one picture of Maggie and me at Disney Princesses on Ice. I think she had a good time. She's easily overwhelmed and she mostly just sat on my lap with giant eyes. When it first started and the lights went out and the music began she looked at me and said, "Caroline really should be here!". Melt my heart that she even noticed or cared!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Do you not just adore Tangled??? We are crazy for it. And can I just say Caroline's little legs = serious yumminess. :)