Monday, March 8, 2010

Things I Want Recorded

We decided to stick with Miss Kellie's daycare for one day a week through the summer. Maggie's face when I told her we were quitting sad. As I loaded her into the car today for daycare she said, "My friends are going to be so happy to see me!".

Feb 5th--the FIRST time Caroline got herself from the sitting position onto her tummy and halfway into crawling position. She's shown absolutely no interest or desire to crawl before. Not one wit. 9 months and I can still safely place her on the couch--and she stays.

I bought Maggie a package of conversation hearts for Valentines day. She pulled one out and asked her daddy what it said. "Too Hot!" he said. Thinking that meant it was too hot to eat, she pulled out another one and said "this one says just right".

We bought Caroline one of those Johnny Jump-Up things (you know, the things that hang from your door frame and your baby can jump around and swing in it?). Caroline pretty much hates it. I took her out and Maggie proceeded to try and climb in. I told her no, that she was too heavy for it and it was just for babies. She peeks inside the holder and pretends to read something and then says, "It says it's for little babies AND big kids!".

Mother Goose has been real popular at our place lately. The last time I started to read the What Are Little Girls Made Of? (sugar and spice and everything nice), I stopped and asked Maggie if she remembered what little girls were made of. Her answer: Frosting.

Then we read the rhyme that goes: There was an old woman who lived under a hill, and if she's not gone she lives there still. After hearing it, Maggie looked up at me and said, "Mommy, that makes NO sense".

Maggie did her first scripture reading in church today (Feb 28th). I whispered in her ear and she repeated--loud and clear. I was really proud of her! I expected her to just stare or maybe mumble a word or two. She impressed me. Patrick came to watch her too and said how proud he was.

A reminder to mommy to watch what she says around the kids: Maggie announcing after her evening bath, "Daddy, I'm so freakin' tired!"

March 7th. Caroline's first words: no-no. When I tried to put her in the crib and she was, apparently NOT tired. She grabbed me and clearly said, "no! no!" Then later that day I gave her a baby doll and said BABY a couple of times while patting the doll. She gave me an odd look and then said, "baby". It sounded more like "bebe". Maybe she's french. I called Patrick in and she did it for him too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she's saying words already! So funny, the things they come up with.
Tell Maggie that no one would play Hide the Egg in Plain Sight yesterday. I wished that she were here to play it with me.