Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things I Want Recorded

Maggie has taken to the Swiffer. She goes into out utility room, uses all her strength to move a huge hamper (usually pretty full) out of the way, and yanks it out of the wall clip saying things like "I got it, I got it, no problem". I've decided if this is going to be a regular thing I'll actually put a Swiffer pad on it and let her clean the floors.

At dinner she pulls up a chair next to her dad, flops her arms on the table, looks directly at him and says, "Daddy, what's the big idea?".

Right now I'm watching her on the video monitor 1.5 hours AFTER I put her to bed while she plays, sings to her stuffed animals, turns her lamp on and off...and on and off a million times, knocks on the door and just expects us to come and answer it. It's hilarious to watch.

Patrick was extra productive one weekend and really got a lot of little tasks done that I've been asking for. He had Maggie help. She felt so proud. One of the projects was to hang two hooks on the bathroom wall for kids towels. She told me she had done it.

While my mom and sister, Ellen, were in town we spent a lot of time just hanging out on the couch--bored. I'd say "whatcha wanna do??" and they'd say "We dunno...". Well Maggie thought she'd make a suggestion. She grabbed one of her plastic cups off the coffee table and said, "you can pee in a cup!". Apparently she was MUCH more aware of the few doctors appointments she's had to tag along to with me. That is one thing I'll never miss about every single dingle pregnancy appt--peeing in a cup!

Maggie was walking up the stairs by herself the other day and I yelled from the couch, "Where you going?" to which she responded, "um, I'm going to check my email". That's what I say every time Patrick leaves his office for a few moments--I run for the computer and check my email.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are keeping track of her cuteness and sharing it with the rest of us!

jewels said...

Those are so cute.

Ashby said...

Those are adorable! Kids say the darnedest things. I love the one of her asking Patrick "What's the big idea?" Too funny!

Shuldberg Family said...

Maggie has so much personality!

ZDub said...

So sweet!