Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Regress Much?

People warned me Maggie might sense big changes the bigger my belly got. No kidding...

She asks for "warm white milk in a bottle".

She crawls around on the floor and says she's a baby.

She's growing more attached to her pacifier (if that's possible). She sucks on it so hard she's getting red marks/rashes around her lips.

When she wakes up in the middle of the night she asks to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. She was never a co-sleeper!

And now this:


Vicki Sigg said...

Oh my gosh.. that's too funny. Brooke was just doing the exact same thing in Fia's bouncy seat today! She almost broke it! Crazy kids.

Anonymous said...

Okay. So...two babies? No problem. Should be interesting. Goo-goo! I'm practicing for Madge.

Emily S. said...

Wow she really is sensing it! That is funny!