Friday, July 25, 2008

A Small Milestone

We had our first pee pee in the toilet today.
I put her on the potty and she immediately said, "all done" and hopped off. She then tried to flush the toilet and I told her that until there was something in there to flush down she couldn't. She climbed back up and did it! I freaked out. Clapped. Squealed. Then gave her ice cream.

My guess is she won't do it again for a long while so I'll just be happy with what I got.


Karla said...

Seriously, I can't believe how SIMILAR Maggie and Natalie are. I bought her a potty this week and basically the EXACT same thing happened with us (but Natalie pooped). Natalie hasn't gone since, but sits on it every once in a while to "try". I don't think it will happen again very soon. Keep me posted with Maggie's progress! SO COOL! :)

Emily said...

That is so exciting. I don't know about you but it is nice not changing diapers! It sounds like she is ready!

Emily S. said...

Congrats! I will be in your shoes in about a year and I am definitely not looking forward to it. I hope it continues this smoothly for you! :-)