Sunday, August 15, 2010


In the interest of time (and the fact that the new Flickr page has me totally pulling my hair out!) I'll be posting a bunch of random pictures with no editing--just right out of my phone and/or camera.

I bought a little stick vac to help with small crumb-type jobs around the house. With little ones eating lots of snacks all day we have quite the crumb problem at our house. Maggie took a liking to the vacuum and seemed ecstatic that I let her use it. It's now a chore of hers...oh, yeah!

New pink chair I found at a local antique store. Now I have to completely redo Maggie's room to match it.

A little skirt I made for Maggie:

Aside from golfing a lot Patrick has taken on a little job around the house:

I bought a little craft for Maggie. I quickly regretted it! She wanted to work on it a lot but was much too young for that kind of project. I tried to keep my cool, explaining over and over again what to do.

Just a super sweet pic of the girls:


Vicki Sigg said...

Love your pictures!!!

Karla said...

What a great sewer you are becoming! Love all your projects. And I think I'll be picking up a vacuum like yours as well...great idea!