Friday, November 21, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Week 15 and feeling great! No morning sickness, bouts of actual energy, showing a teeny bit--enough to force me into too big maternity clothes (this is way too early!). And my appetite is just getting revved up.

According to Pregnancy Weekly my babe is 4 inches long and is developing a hairline. Why, oh why, has science not caught up with people who wanna know the sex of their child asap? I mean without a scary needle in the belly. Our ultrasounds need to get much better/clearer for this purpose alone.

We worry (ok, I worry and Patrick goes along with it) about what will happen to Maggie when labor starts. The last one started abruptly at 2:15am with my water breaking and ended only 4 hours later with Mags appearing on the scene. If it happens at all like that we don't have much time to get her passed off and us to the hospital. Lots of people have offered so it's not a true problem but I stew about it every day.

Obsessive love: Lays Natural Cut potato chips dipped directly into sour cream.


ZDub said...

You were labor and delivered in FOUR hours with your first? Good Lord, I wouldn't worry about what to do with Maggie because you will probably just wake up and the baby will be out hanging out next to you one day!!

Seriously, it will work out perfectly. Just keep telling yourself that.

Shuldberg Family said...

Oh, I so don't miss being pregnant. If it weren't for the pregnancy part I might have a dozen kids or so - we'll maybe not.

Karla said...

Good to hear you are feeling great! Do I need to schedule a trip up (after you find out the sex) to decorate another room? :)

Ashby said...

YOU'RE PREGNANT?! Congratulations!!!!! Can you tell that I have been SO bad at blogging recently. It took me opening up your Christmas card, seeing your cute little belly, and then a frantic search on your blog for more info. I'm SO SO SO happy for you guys! Maggie will have so much fun as a big sister!