Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Time Part 2

The little outdoor play area at Whole Foods makes it very tempting to eat lunch there...a lot.  And we do...a lot.  I love this shot because it shows Caroline in her true form--singing.  All.The.Time.

 She was crying big fat tears for no reason right before this picture was taken:

 I took the girls to buy new summer jammies.  I was a little sad to see the change Maggie was going through.  She wanted nothing to do with any character but gravitated instead toward what I considered to be "teenager" styles.  So sad.  One of her choices, a sleep shirt with jewels, funky patterns, and a cat with glasses on it, came with a sleep mask which was promptly put on for the drive home. I did note the older gentleman in the car next to us watching us load up was laughing as we drove away.
 Another trip around the block.  We are doing our best to get on our bikes as much as possible.  Caroline enjoys it quite a bit:
 This was Maggie's first time around the block with zero help.  I was SO proud!  Normally she gets terribly nervous and goes so slow her tiny, skinny legs aren't strong enough to make it up the (very) slight inclines.  We've done this little block ride a couple of times since this picture was taken and she said to me "I LOVE riding my bike now".  Music to my ears.
 With Patrick in California for business I let the girls watch a DVD in my bed before heading off to sleep.  They love it!!


Anonymous said...


Emily S. said...

Caroline reminds me of Sarah Jane. I wish we could get them together to play :-)

Charlotte said...

So cute!!!!!! I especially love Caroline singing!