Saturday, July 16, 2011

Maggie Turns Five!

Maggie had a birthday "season" this year. We did a little family day on her actual birthday. We celebrated the next week in Sedona, Arizona with Patrick's family. She also had a little friend party the week after that. I'm so glad the birthday season is over! This post is just for the family day.
Caroline waking Maggie up:

We took the girls to Build-a-Bear for Maggie's gift. It was really very sweet. Here she is putting the heart in her bear (she actually opted for the bunny) and stuffing her:

Caroline waiting patiently to stuff her bear:

After Maggie was done stuffing I was helping Caroline stuff her bear and Patrick snapped this insanely sweet shot of Maggie loving her new bestest friend:

The girls giving their animals a bath (little air jets to clean up any random stuffing bits):

Later we Skyped with Aunt Julie and the girls showed off their new pals:
We baked a cake. Maggie was a great help:

Here's to the sweetest little five year old ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly the sweetest! I'd have to agree with you there.