Thursday, March 31, 2011

Las Vegas Trade Show

My good friend, the talented Vicki Sigg, just launched the most adorable girl's clothing line--Pixie Girl. Vicki has been kind enough to let me see the entire design and manufacturing process as well as let my littles wear her clothes and even model in them. She had her official launch in Las Vegas at the KIDShow. I got to go and help out with her booth. Fun, FUN! We went to Cirque du Soleil "O" which was a-mazing! Here we are before the show:

Vicki in front of her finished booth:

We met up with our friend, Katie who now lives in Vegas, for an evening out. We wandered around the Bellagio:

We went to the best patisserie EVER! Here I am in front of the chocolate fountain:

And of course I have to snap pics of the yummy pastries:

This is the one I chose. Loved it!:

I was actually kind of worried Caroline would not remember me. So worried in fact that I bought some chocolate at the airport to bribe her into liking me again. Not needed. She was thrilled to see me and I almost cried with joy. I kissed the heck out of both of my girls (waking the sleeping Maggie up in her car seat). Here's Caroline the next morning wearing a little organic outfit I bought off another vendor at the trade show.

I was ready. Very, very ready to have some time away from Mommy Diana. It felt good to get out and relax and play. But I was just as ready to get back to my life in Colorado and the people I love most in the world.

Patrick was a super star while I was gone and took care of all the girl's needs. I could not be more grateful to that man!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Latest Cell Phone Pics

I haven't really been using my camera lately. I've also been busy, busy, busy! I just downloaded my cell phone pictures and although the quality is poor I at least have a little something for this here blog. Caroline wearing some clip on earrings:

The girls playing around on a very cold day. Not sure why this day they had the idea to play in their swimsuits (which Caroline calls "swim soups"):

Caroline playing in a bowl of snow in her beloved "meow meow" hat:

At the library:

Caroline is all about picking her own outfit. Yes, I let her. Here she is at Maggie's dance studio looking quite lovely in her jammies, Ariel swim suit, Christmas socks, and awesome shoes:

Maggie and Caroline create mountains of toys while I shower. I'm not sure getting a shower in is worth the clean up:

Cowboy/Cowgirl day at school. Lucky for us our friend Vicki had purchase some (very) nice boots, spurs, and cowboy hat for her girl and graciously let us borrow them!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kitchen Update

It all started with a sign. A sign advertising really cheap granite counter tops. I've never really loved my awesome Formica counters. And then I became obsessed...

Of course the granite I liked was NOT the cheap ones advertised and I didn't exactly plan for my small back splash needing to be replaced. Oops.
The back splash--oh the back splash! Many hours were spent collecting samples, returning them, ordering, cancelling orders, asking (bugging to DEATH) anyone who would listen and offer advice. I ended up with one of my first choices in tile and went for a full back splash instead of partial.
But then the cabinets were all wrong. Since it's impossible to change out cabinets after granite has been laid I had to settle for painting the ones I had. Cream. And new hardware. The process was pretty cool but rendered my kitchen useless for 3 full days which is tough with small kids. They tented the whole thing and sprayed it all.

My painters hanging the freshly painted doors.
My poor husband put on his game face and did his best not to lose patience with the ongoing needs ( The kitchen is done now. Mostly. The problem is the more I tweak or improve the more I notice other projects that need to be done to finish the kitchen off. But for now we'll say it's done. Or it will never be.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Maggie was pretending to drive a car (she always does that on the bottom of our stairs) and Caroline wandered by. Maggie, with her arm casually "steering" back and forth, looked up at her sister and said, "Oh, hey Caroline...wanna drive to Utah with me?".

Maggie can be overly affectionate at times.

Watching a DVD in their new basement playroom. I have no idea why the huge TV behind them wasn't good enough.

Caroline still loves her Dora backpack: