Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Girls--More Randoms Pics (Again!)

Caroline lovey loves balls. Ball was one of her first words. She rolls them under the couch and does the cutest little attempt at getting them out. I mean, just look at that toe in the air!! How can I say no to digging a ball out from under our couch for the 642nd time?

Maggie proving how very brave she is to stand outside in the rain.

Shoe. Another one of Caroline's first words. Oh, how she loves shoes. But shoes on the feet? Not so much. It's hysterical to hear her clacking around the kitchen at full crawling speed with Maggie's dress up shoes.

I totally love my new Droid phone. It has everything imaginable on there. Problem is Caroline has figured that out too. If she sees my phone (in the car, on the counter, sitting next to me on the couch) she points frantically and says, "Dora, Dora, Dora" until I get to YouTube and find some Dora clips. It works out great until I'm in public trying to talk to someone on the phone and she's flat melting down over not seeing Dora.

My worn out hippie chick. That's a flower from our yard that she asked to have tied onto some yarn for a "beautiful crown". Um...ok.


Karla said...

Love Maggie's green dress. Did you make that?

Karla said...

And Caroline's dress! Both so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I miss them so much!!

Emily S. said...

Caroline looks so grown up in these pictures!