Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Maggie's 4th Birthday

Maggie is a four year old. Insane!

We had a quiet birthday at home. Grammy was still in town and we picked up Daddy from a business trip that morning.

We opened some small presents first. She was very pleased with her new Barbie DVDs. (The big sign around her neck was from a church Primary activity that morning and CTR means "choose the right").

The big gift was a big girl bike. Barbie of course. Notice the awesome little bike for her Barbie dolls that hooks to her handle bars.

Taking it for a test run. Barbie helmet as well. Grammy got a kick out of the whole thing.

Later that weekend in the backyard, the family playing:

Grammy watching the craziness.

A few things about Maggie:
She now uses the "I'm a big kid and that's what big kids do" excuse for every naughty thing she does.
Barbie and Barbie DVDs are her favorite thing ever. She sings along with every song while watching the DVDs and acts out the scenes with her dolls.
She says so many hilarious things in a day I can't keep up with recording them all.

She still loves dancing/dance class but asks me often why she doesn't go to school anymore (the concept of summer break seems to be lost on her).
Favorite game is to get her little sister to chase her. This takes a lot of effort on her part and she squeals loudly when she succeeds.

She scolds me each and every time I slip up and say "stupid".

Favorite food is mac and cheese. It's practically all she eats.

Her daddy is still far and away the greatest thing ever! Adore him she does.

My baby girl is, sadly, no longer a baby. Sometimes I look at her and think my heads gonna explode because I love her so much.


Emily S. said...

I love quiet birthdays. And bikes are the best! Happy Birthday to your darling girl.

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday to Maggie! Your girls are soooo darling!!!