Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to Real Life

After almost a month of travel followed by two weekends in a row of house guests we are going to try getting back to our regular routine and life. This is going to take some doing! We are off sleeping, eating, and all other schedules. The house is a giant mess. There's thank yous to write, appointments to make, etc.
For this reason I'm not going to be posting for a day or two. Karla did post a lot about their trip to CO so check her out HERE to read about our adventure to the Butterfly Pavilion. She even has some cute video.
I'll get my camera downloaded and post pictures/video asap (and, yes Karla, I'll be sure to send a CD your way of all the fun documented on my camera).


Karla said...

What is that comment all about? Hummmmm.......

Karla said...

I refuse to go look...I challenge you to do the same :o)