Sunday, February 19, 2012


Apparently I was too busy trying to get my entire life organized and all of my new years resolutions complete ASAP and I forgot about this here blog.
Let's catch up, shall we?

Maggie's school assignment:

Maggie struggles with staying hydrated. We try everything to get her to drink!! My sister, Julie, has taken to texting pics of her drinking water and asking for one in return. This is one of those pics we texted to Julie--look, we're drinking!!

Did I mention Patrick got reading glasses?

Frosting is goooood:

Every time Caroline catches a cough it turns into croup. It's miserable!! What's worse is that every time we try to administer the medicine she vomits it all right back up. We realized it was because the medicine is in an alcohol base and it's quite strong. Patrick suggested we give her a screwdriver (a cocktail of orange juice and vodka). So we mixed her meds with some OJ and down it went! Yup, I played bartender to my 2-year old :-(

Green smoothies. Since I don't yet own a Vitamix I have to beg mine off friends. Luckily I have very kind and generous friends! (My very own Vitamix is currently on it's way--thanks to that AWESOME husband of mine!).

Caroline went into the basement playroom and picked out this outfit herself. Then she came up to dance for me. Love that she enjoys performing.

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