Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sedona Arizona 2011

The day after Maggie's birthday we jumped in the car and pulled off a grueling 13 hour drive to Sedona, Arizona. The trip was a bit rough with Caroline deciding the condo we were staying at was just not acceptable and also deciding steady night-time sleep was for the birds. We did what we could with a cranky two year old and ended up having a very good time! Maggie, of course, loved all of it and basically had the time of her life as always.
We spent a lot of time in the pool. Or should I say my family spent a lot of time in the pool. I did my best to stay out of my swimsuit.

Caroline decided that water is the greatest and really wore Patrick out with her constant need to be in the water, wriggling around (making it very hard to hold onto), and squealing like crazy.

We did some very short family hikes:

We had a birthday celebration for both Maggie and Caroline. My in-laws really were kind, fun, and generous and the kids were in heaven!

Maggie and Caroline wearing dresses their cousins bought for them in Hawaii:

I wasn't there for the snake holding (I would have freaked) but apparently Maggie is braver than I ever imagined:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Maggie Turns Five!

Maggie had a birthday "season" this year. We did a little family day on her actual birthday. We celebrated the next week in Sedona, Arizona with Patrick's family. She also had a little friend party the week after that. I'm so glad the birthday season is over! This post is just for the family day.
Caroline waking Maggie up:

We took the girls to Build-a-Bear for Maggie's gift. It was really very sweet. Here she is putting the heart in her bear (she actually opted for the bunny) and stuffing her:

Caroline waiting patiently to stuff her bear:

After Maggie was done stuffing I was helping Caroline stuff her bear and Patrick snapped this insanely sweet shot of Maggie loving her new bestest friend:

The girls giving their animals a bath (little air jets to clean up any random stuffing bits):

Later we Skyped with Aunt Julie and the girls showed off their new pals:
We baked a cake. Maggie was a great help:

Here's to the sweetest little five year old ever!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer--So Far, So Good

Summer. We've been busy!
We finally replaced the tree that died in our front yard. Patrick dug it up and put it in the backyard while he planted the new one. Maggie felt so bad for the little dead tree she covered it in her old baby blankets.

Caroline enjoying an ice cream from Dairy Queen.

The girls playing together (rather than fighting). Maggie put her dress on Caroline and put a blanket cape on herself. They ran around screaming. That's my girl's idea of a good time.

Caroline got sick. A few days in she seemed to be worse so I took her to Urgent Care. Miss Limp-and-Listless came home and was FINE! I would have been mad were it not for how relieved I was.

Maggie's last day of preschool--bug hunting and picnic at Roger's Grove. Here she is posing with her friend Erin (Erin's sister behind them--for some reason I cannot remember her name).

Day at the park.

We've been playing in the sprinklers a lot:

I bought the girls Happy Meals. They both ate ONE bite of a chicken nugget and a few fries. That's it. Why did I bother? Maggie quickly abandoned her food for an art project.

I got sick of Maggie forgetting her scriptures every week for church so I used an Anthropologie napkin and sewed it up into a little bag that can hang on the hook by the door (oh, don't worry--she still forgets the bag regularly). Caroline loved it though: