Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To Sum Up

Where have I been? Let's look back over the last couple of weeks:

I will spare you any pictures of ME looking far more sickly than the girlies do/did. We are slowly recovering from what might be the worlds longest and most painful cold ever! After many tears (mostly mine) and two trips to the pediatrician I've been assured that's all it was. Hmpth!


Ashby said...

Can someone please tell me what is going on with February? I seriously want a refund on this month. It seems like everyone in the world is sick. Hope you guys are all starting to feel better!

Anonymous said...

So sad. The sickly ladies. Feel better soon.

Emily S. said...

Poor things! All of you! I am so sorry that you've been sick. Hang on a few more weeks - spring is on its way!