Monday, December 21, 2015

Lulu Marshmallow McCarty

 I don't know how it happened.  I truly don't.  I've never, ever been an animal lover.  But at some point I started looking up small dogs online and couldn't stop. So here we are, adding a fur baby to the mix.  Lulu Marshmallow McCarty joined the family and we are so in love with her! 

We carefully picked out her little carrier and the other day made the drive to a local breeder to bring Lulu home. None of us knew how to handle an animal.  We just stared down into the (what now feels like an enormous) carrier to admire and marvel.  She is SO TINY!  At some point we had to stop for gas so while Patrick manned the gas pump, us girls carefully scooped Lulu out of her carrier to see if she needed to pee.  We walked over to a small patch of grass and plopped her down only to discover that the grass was almost too tall for her tiny little legs.  We oooh-ed and ahhhh-ed at her for a bit, waiting to see if she would potty.

She chose to save the potty until we got home.  Promptly upon release from the carrier, she did a giant poop in the middle of our kitchen floor.

The girls set up a play area for their new little sister:
Lulu, for a new puppy, is on the mild side but does like to lick and sniff which had the girls giggling:
Notice how Maggie is barefoot and Caroline has big boots on.  So far, as much as Caroline is enamored by the dog, she still gets easily freaked out by her and will run and jump on the couch to escape and keep "safe".
She is absolutely the best Christmas gift ever.  I've never had a dog.  I have no idea how to care for or train one.  I've overprepared with lots of reading and YouTube tutorials so we'll see how useful they are when I'm on midnight potty duty. So far I'm grateful for puppies being extra sleepy and for hardwood floors that are much easier to clean than carpet!

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