Twin Peaks had their fundraiser run. My kids aren't exactly runners. They do, however, take a pretty cute running picture with their spindly little legs:
Darling little notes I found:
September did bring us some visitors. My brother Randy and his wife Amanda came to Colorado. Both being in wheelchairs didn't seem to deter them...but had me in knots! They were do easy going while I was stressed out, running around trying to make sure they were safe and had fun. In fact I was so freaked out they were coming I flew my sister, Ellen, out on an emergency basis because I was convinced I couldn't handle them alone! Ellen has always been my life raft.
They took the Greyhound bus from Utah. Randy even packed a portable commode knowing that would be his only means to using the bathroom. They had shared their plan to stay in Longmont at a, shall we say, SKETCHY motel known for drugs and worse. I flipped out and Patrick put them up at the Marriott instead. We had a few small bumps like running out of wheelchair batteries on Pearl Street in Boulder. We had to drive to the hotel, grab their charger, drive back and plug them into a public outlet right there on the street. We ordered food from the Cheesecake Factory that was just a few feet away and I held the to-go cartons of food under Amanda, acting as her table so she could eat.

The day they were to leave, Ellen and I helped get them to the Grayhound station in Denver. Ellen carried the portable commode, stained and all, through the check in process then we all waited for the bus. At some point Amanda needed to use the restroom and asked if I could assist. I followed her into a women's restroom and we entered the last stall in line--the big handicapped stall. As we were finishing up (in a pretty delicate situation) we start to hear a woman yell into the stall that she had left her purse in there and we'd stolen it. Flustered, we screamed back that there was no purse at all in the stall and we didn't steal it. She got more and more agitated, screaming loudly, insisting we had her belongings. We screamed back that we didn't. Multiple times she tried to crawl under the stall door to get to us Trying to finish up with the bathroom situation while being screamed at by a clearly methed out lady is something for the books. We scooted past her and out the bathroom door, grateful she didn't follow. Unnerved, I sat down in the waiting area next to Ellen willing the bus to come. But the bus had a while before it would arrive and we instead got to watch a clearly unhinged lady carrying on a full and complete conversation with multiple invisible people. She talked animatedly to each of them, play acted various activities just like a mime. It was something. We sat on the edge of our seats hoping this lady didn't get aggressive like the lady in the bathroom. Luckily, no, she just had herself a good ole afternoon with her imaginary friends and we were able to get Randy and Amanda off to Utah. I'm still in shock they made it home safely after seeing the various bus patrons they'd be making the journey with! Randy and Amanda are nothing if not brave and adventurous.
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