Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 2014

 Caroline and Wilson on an after school play date. Twin school uniforms--which they thought was hilarious. Discussing games: Does yours have birds you can kill?  How do you make them jump? Did that just get blowed up? 
We ALL got a pampering treat for a great start to our school year:
Maggie wanted just a mani. No pedi please--I don't want people touching my feet.
Caroline looked like a tiny bird in both the mani and pedi chairs:

Our friends Astonna and John had us over for food and fun.
I have no idea what is so funny but they were laughing their heads off!!
Maggie starting her Christmas list.  Nope.  Nope.

The Witzak family had us over for holiday kick off fun.  Wilson and Caroline, Wyatt and Maggie. 

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