Monday, February 21, 2011

We Play in the Snow

I don't like the snow. I don't like to be cold. My girls generally don't either. So this is how we play in the snow. I simply lean out the back door and scoop up a little bowl. Caroline just eats it. Maggie actually does play a bit. They bore quickly.

Maggie makes mini snowmen.

After oh...say...10 minutes of snow play the kids are off to smear make up all over the house and in the process get a little bit of said make up on their little faces.

By the way, those lashes actually don't have any makeup on them. Those thick long puppies are all theirs. Lucky girls.


Anonymous said...

They are their mother's daughters to be sure! Well done on the colorful make-up department.

Melissa said...

Your idea of snow play is seriously making me LOL. I love it! Looks like it works out swimmingly for everyone.