Thursday, May 27, 2010

Caroline Elanore Turns One!!

May 1, 2010. Caroline turns one. Here she is telling ya:

We celebrated with a little Olive Garden:

Doesn't she look like a startled bird here?:

Only the best for Caroline. Tee & Cakes cupcake.

Maggie made a special "cake" for Caroline out of toys. Hmmm:

We are so in love with our little babe Caroline. She has been a true joy.

We are just lucky to have her.

Some random facts about our babe:

She has been an amazing sleeper at night but wakes up very early and rarely takes naps.

She didn't so much as hint at crawling until just a few short weeks before she turned one. Now she crawls laps around our house (literally....round and around she goes with no real destination in mind). She also crawls with her toes curled and feet pulled up--like she doesn't want them touching the ground while moving around.

She's aggressive. She's been knows to claw and scratch her way over and through her sister and parents to reach a toy she simply must have.

Maggie's sippy cup is always more desirable than her own. Even if they contain the same thing and look almost identical.

Her favorite song is Pat-a-Cake. She can do the clapping, the rolling, and the tossing in the oven. She LOVES the tossing in the oven and does it randomly to get a family member to say/sing that part. Her other favorite is the alphabet. When she's extra cranky in the car seat the only solution (I've found) i s to get Maggie to sing a string of songs to her. It's so, SO sweet.

We found out last week the girl loves swimming pools. Its hard to keep ahold of her when she kicks and flails like she did!

Handing people her toys and then wanting them back. We do that over, and over, and over...

Her other favorite toys are any kind of ball, baby dolls, or blocks.

What a love...what a love.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BIG ONE! I agree. What a love!

Amberly said...

I can't believe she is 1 already! Time goes so fast. Your girls are beautiful and you still look just as great as you did in High School.