Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Randoms 5

What Caroline does while I attempt some sit-ups:

Maggie and friend Addy:

Maggie is a great speller. She can spell her name, daddy, mommy, apple, zoo, and silly. Below is both apple and zoo (you might have to click on the image to enlarge).

When asking about a word or a letter she says things like, "mommy, does z start with zipper?".


she&him said...

i'm making a dang cute baby dress. too bad i don't have a baby that lives close by to model it...

Anonymous said...

C. looks so dreamy. M. looks wicked. Wish I could hold and hug both. Somehow I think I didn't get enough of that in, while they were here.

Emily S. said...

Smart girl! It was so fun to see your girls in person - they are both incredibly adorable children. And you are one awesome mom! Wish we would have had more time to chat...