Monday, May 30, 2016


 I took this photo for one purpose and one purpose only.  My lifelong friend is losing her younger sister to cancer.  It's been a heartbreaking experience.  Due to all of the treatments she has received for years now, she has started losing her teeth.  I sent the one and only photo I will EVER take of my toothless smile. Because showing solidarity with Jenni is worth it. I hope she and her family got a kick out of it.  The whole of the internet does not get to see what she got to see.  Sorry.

Another School Year Comes to a Close

Field Day at Twin Peaks:

Summer's first order of business--dye hair and break free of school uniform/dress codes!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Combining the Party

 I'm not sure why we thought it was a good idea to combine parties.  But we did and it was crazy.  

I know--at this point you can consider me the worst dog mom ever.  I swear I'll get the dog groomed eventually.  But this is just bad: