Saturday, April 30, 2016

April Recap 2016

 April was a hard month.  I knew I'd be having a tooth extracted and my anxiety had me in a vice-like grip about it.  

We spent Easter in Cincinnati with the McCarthy family:

The McCarthy cousins goofed off with selfies and filters:

Julie came to visit.  We hit the Denver Aquarium among other things:

And was tooth extraction time.
My front tooth needed to be pulled.  I was accidentally hit in the face as a kid and have had multiple issues with my two front teeth since. Veneers, crowns, replacement crowns, eventual root canals, more replacement crowns.  One of the teeth finally gave up.  It had to come out.  I researched the best dental surgeons and the best prosthodontists, made the appointment, then spent the weeks leading up to the procedure in full crisis.  I woke up multiple times every night in full panic attacks.  What if the extraction went wrong?  What if the implant didn't take?  It's my FRONT TOOTH!!  What if I'm stuck with dentures?  To say I've been worried would be an understatement.  But what's done is done.  All I can do is wait and see.  Now I have a fancy retainer with a fake tooth attached, called a flipper.  It's going to have to do.