Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Recap 2016

 Always a playdate on the books for Maggie and Harlow, Caroline and Nessa. This helps me have a second to do some work.  I'm not sure I've bothered to mention that I've been working (very part time) for a local marketing firm here in Longmont.  Gives me a little something to do outside of mom life.
Lulu loves a good scratch.  If I don't oblige, she put her paw on my arm or leg as if I somehow missed her presence.  If I still don't give her a scratch, the whining starts.

Maggie couldn't wait to finish the fifth Harry Potter book.  Today she gets to watch the movie:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween 2016

 Dressing up at school:

Dressing up at home.  Trick or Treat time:

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October Recap 2016

 Reading Harry Potter with Dad:

School trip to The Flower Bin.  How is this one of my favorite field trips the school does??
Anderson Farms for Fall festivities:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Sisters Being Sisterly

They don't always get along.  But when they connect (and ban together to drive me nuts at the breakfast place) they really connect!

October Family Photos


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

August Recap 2016

 School.  Again.  We are starting 2nd and 5th grade:

Apparently she won an award for an art piece over the summer. This ribbon came home with her today. Happy girl.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July Recap 2016

 Apparently I didn't spend much time in July snapping pictures.  
But we did celebrate Patrick's birthday with cake and a family movie night.

And, as usual, we spent lots of time at the pool (oh hey--a tiny glimpse of me behind Maggie's selfie):
I did take a quick trip to Utah with Erica.  She drives fast.  Actually, driving through Wyoming is always a ticketing risk. 
And Lulu got one amazing grooming session:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Quick Arizona Visit

 We spent some time in Arizona. Of course this means loads of pool time with Grandma and Grandpa.  Grandma might be hard to spot but she's toward the back of the pool in the hat.  She's extremely patient with two little ladies splashing around during her morning water exercises!

We got to spend a couple of nights at the Narducci's house which was such a treat.