Sunday, May 31, 2015

Caroline's Kindergarten Year

 Caroline's kindergarten teacher collected all the photos of her from the school year.  I know it's overkill but you're only a darling kindergartner once so here's the photo dump to prove it.

You can't really see Caroline here (maybe a bit of her knee) but her Dad was one of the parents that chaperoned the zoo field trip:

Lots of photos include Nessa.  The little red-headed girl was a good friend whose name was Julia.  And then there was the blonde boy-- Rowan.  Rowan is a good friend to Caroline.  They sit by each other, they both claim to be the smartest kids in the class, they hang out on the playground a lot.  Sometimes when I see Rowan and Caroline reading together or working on some worksheet or another they remind me of an old couple.  Especially when Rowan wears his little sweater vests.  Caroline is very well liked, which she knows and loves.  But it has caused problems in the past.  We've had multiple incidents where fights have broken out on the playground about who gets to play with Caroline that day.  I volunteer at the school quite a bit and even I get approached by kids in her class asking if they can have a playdate with Caroline.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 2015 Recap


May showers:

Family fun center Maggie and Ethan:

Caroline plays whack-a-mole:

Maggie is not a hugger.  She generally avoids anything touchy-feely. So this picture of her letting me hold her is priceless.
Caroline and Nessa looking through photo books of my blog.  Every year I have my blog printed into a hardback book.  Both Maggie and Caroline love looking through these books:

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 2015 Caroline's Birthday

 We start with gifts!

Activity was taking a friend for manicures and pedicures.  Of course we took Nessa.

Side note on the forehead band-aid for Maggie.  We stay after school nearly every day to let the kids get their energy out on the school playground.  The other day a boy took a small rock and hurled it as far and as high as he could.  Just for fun.  It landed square on Maggie's forehead.  It took us all a while to determine what had happened because it was just so unbelievable and random.  I was one freaked out mom but, luckily, I had a friend who immediately ushered us into the school nurses office to get patched up while she went to find the boy.  It really was innocent--albeit stupid and impulsive (isn't that the essence of childhood?) but the boy happened to be the son of a teacher and Maggie received a fat apology letter and a small stuffed animal from the boy the following morning.

We hit a museum and for some reason this is the only pic I took.  Weird?