Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Mommy n Me

In an effort to make friends and assimilate into the community I took the advice of my sister-in-law, Melissa, and joined a Mommy n Me group. Surprisingly, I really enjoy it! I've made some great friends and Maggie gets to socialize as well. Yesterday we went to a "Celebrate Spring" play date. Maggie actually sat and played around on the grass (she's been a little frightened of it up until now) while the older kids that actually understood what was going on gathered up easter eggs. She decided the rocks in the yard were much more interesting. In the short time we spent outside I had to take 10-12 big ole' rocks out of her mouth. Dirt and rocks won't hurt a kid right?

Also, here's our little "almost" walker.

1 comment:

book lover said...

Dear nanny goat,

o my goodness! I love your blog! Maggie is so cute and i love how you set it all up!

love ya,